Retirement & IRAs
Home / Traditional IRA
A traditional IRA is an individual retirement account (IRA) designed to help people save for retirement, with taxes deferred on any potential investment growth. Contributions are generally made with after-tax money, but may be tax-deductible if you meet income eligibility
Consider Our® Wealth Services for your planning and investment management needs. Minimum investment is $50,000 for access to a team of advisors or $500,000 for a dedicated advisor. Pick the type of Traditional IRA that fits you best. As hands-on or hands-off as you're looking for, we've got you covered when it comes to choosing a Traditional IRA.
Lower income taxes: If you're within the IRS income limits, deduct all or part of your contributions from your federal taxes.
Big life events: Withdraw penalty-free for certain expenses, such as a first home purchase, birth, or college expenses.
No income limits: As long as you're working, you can keep contributing to a traditional IRA, as well as your 401(k).